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Personal Relating Potential Report

Celebrity Dream Dates : a Capricorn and Keanu Reeves



Claim to Fame: Top-Earning Hollywood Actor.
Born on 2nd September 1964 at 5.41 AM in Beirut, Lebanon.
Sun Sign: Virgo

With their inborn desire to serve, people born under the Sun Sign of VIRGO tend to express their affections by helping others – especially at a practical level. These are people who excel at looking after all the small details in their loved ones’ lives and making everything as perfect as possible for them. Always happiest when they’re doing something useful, what they enjoy most is keeping busy. Efficient, dependable and hard-working, they’ll get your life running like clockwork!


Actually very compatible!

You’re likely to experience a high level of compatibility with people whose Sun Sign is Virgo. Your own Sun Sign, which is Capricorn, is a good match for this sign. This is because signs of the same element, here earth, tend to blend harmoniously with each other and generally get on well.

As a result you can probably readily identify with their practicality and reliability. And you may share the same tastes in terms of the kind of pastimes and activities you enjoy.

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