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Which Star Signs Have the Biggest Love-Hate Relationships?



What Exactly is a Love-Hate Relationship?

Back in ancient Greece they knew all about love-hate relationships, with Euripides summing it up perfectly in the words ‘stronger than lovers’ love is lovers’ hate’!   

The truth is that our biggest romantic attractions often have two sides to them – one side that is full of love and admiration for the object of our desire, and another that dislikes, and perhaps even hates, certain things about them.  

We’re instinctively drawn to people who embody the qualities we’d most like to possess but are currently lacking – or at least don’t have enough of. When we first fall in love we’re deeply fascinated and excited by our partner’s differences to us. But over time we can also come to feel threatened by the very same traits we were once so attracted to. Then we may develop an underlying resentment towards them – sometimes spilling over into outright hate – because they’re a constant reminder of our own shortcomings.  

Which Star Sign Pairings Have the Biggest Love-Hate Relationships?

The biggest love-hate relationships tend to occur between the twelve pairs of Star Signs that are astrologically ‘square’ or at 90° to each other. These are the Star Sign combinations with the most differences and the most tension between each other – and consequently the greatest potential for loving and hating each other at the same time.

 1) Aries and Cancer

Why they fall in love:

Tough-cookie Aries is mesmerized by gentle Cancer’s nurturing, yet highly vulnerable nature, which is so different to their own, and experiences an overwhelming desire to both look after them and be looked after by them at one and the same time. In turn timid Cancer idolizes Aries for their strength and courage and feels wonderfully safe and protected in their company.

What they end up hating about each other:

Over time, Aries may become more and more exasperated with Cancer’s fearfulness and suffocated by their smother love, while Cancer feels increasingly threatened by Aries’ dominance and aggression.

2) Aries and Capricorn

Why they fall in love:

Spontaneity doesn’t come easily to slow moving, risk-averse Capricorn, so they find it incredibly attractive when they see it in quick-off-the-mark Aries. In turn Capricorn’s canniness and shrewdness is an irresistible magnet for unsophisticated and direct acting Aries, who needs the clever, calculating Goat to help plan their warrior moves.

What they end up hating about each other:

As Capricorn gradually comes to view Aries’ ad-lib decisions as more of a liability than an advantage, eventually they can become infuriated by the Ram’s recklessness. Similarly it’s all over for Aries when they’ve finally had enough of constantly waiting for Capricorn to catch up with them.

3) Taurus and Leo

Why they fall in love:

Down to earth Taurus’s normally pragmatic heart is surprisingly easily captured by flamboyant Leo’s fiery passions and dazzling star quality. In turn Leo’s vulnerable ego finds security and unfailing support in the unassuming Bull – their faithful rock who will never upstage them by competing with them for the spotlight.

What they end up hating about each other:

Leo’s attention-seeking, drama-queen antics can eventually become utterly detestable to the quiet and modest Taurus, while the Lion becomes increasingly prone to denouncing Taurus’s extreme steadiness as insufferably boring inflexibility.

4) Taurus and Aquarius

Why they fall in love:

Aquarius loves anything out of the ordinary so can’t fail to fall for Taurus’s outstanding beauty and erotic know-how. In turn, while it takes a lot to get Taurus going, they can’t help but feel excited about Aquarius’s willingness to brazenly flout convention and do their own thing, whatever – which flies in the face of their own safety-conscious ways.

What they end up hating about each other:

Inevitably, the stark contrast between Aquarius’s non-conformism and the Bull’s love of tradition and stability will eventually prove a source of mutual conflict rather than attraction, perhaps escalating into a ferocious power struggle if both are too obstinate to compromise.

5) Gemini and Virgo

Why they fall in love:

Because both these Star Signs are so alike in terms of their quick wits and sharp intellects, when they fall in love with each other it can feel like falling in love with another, even more gifted, version of themselves. What Gemini lacks in practical intelligence, they will be thrilled to find in abundance in Virgo. In turn, Virgo is enthralled by Gemini’s sophisticated people skills which more than make up for their own low level of social savvy.

What they end up hating about each other:

Problems arise once happy-go-lucky Gemini starts to think Virgo isn’t really like them at all, because they’re far too nit-picking and petty minded. In turn, Virgo may develop an intense dislike for fickle Gemini’s unpredictability, which they view as an affront to their own outstanding dependability.

6) Gemini and Pisces

Why they fall in love:

A similarly scatterbrained nature is often the glue that brings these two Star Signs together, with each recognizing that the other’s unique qualities will help to bring order to their mutual chaos. Spacey Pisces is wowed by Gemini’s amazing logical insights which cut through all the fog and confusion. In turn Gemini marvels at the Fish’s extraordinary gift of intuition which provides a much higher level of understanding.

What they end up hating about each other:

Trouble invariably raises its head when Pisces’ tender feelings are wounded once too often by clever Gemini’s smart-mouth put-downs – or when Gemini starts to believe that Pisces’ other-worldly guidance is actually no more than irrational mumbo-jumbo and nine times out of ten plain wrong.

7) Cancer and Libra

Why they fall in love:

The shy, inward-looking Crab is initially spellbound by extroverted Libra’s outstanding people skills and loves the newfound sense of social confidence they feel in Libra’s company. For Libra too, the depth of heart-felt empathy and support offered by Cancer is a wonderful revelation, because as an emotionally cool and detached Air Sign, these qualities don’t come easily to them.

What they end up hating about each other:

Despite once adoring Cancer’s extreme sensitivity, rational Libra may eventually end up detesting it, because it makes them prone to taking everything personally and incapable of holding a logical and objective discussion. In turn, homebody Cancer will become increasingly disenamored with Libra’s gregariousness if it causes them to put their friends before their family.

8) Leo and Scorpio

Why they fall in love:

Leo and Scorpio are mutually drawn to the other’s power, which takes a different form in both of them – Leo having the power of outer confidence while Scorpio’s power operates more on an inner, emotional level. Because both covet these contrasting dimensions of power they observe in the other, they become magnetically and inseparably attracted to each other.

What they end up hating about each other:

This extreme power coupling will inevitably lead at some point to intense control struggles as both Star Signs furiously resist yielding to the other’s dominance. Then Scorpio will dismiss Leo’s confidence as hateful bossiness and arrogance, while Leo comes to loathe the Scorpion’s emotional manipulativeness and games-playing.

9) Virgo and Sagittarius

Why they fall in love:

Happy-go-lucky, freedom-loving Sagittarius may be amazed to find themselves falling for their complete opposite in the form of analytical and conscientious Virgo – and vice versa. But having Virgo to organize their life and look after all the irritating little details feels like a huge blessing at first to the Archer. Similarly, worrywart Virgo is hooked on the wonderful new sense of fun and carefreeness Sagittarius brings to their world.

What they end up hating about each other:

Anyone could see it coming! Sadly, it rarely takes long before Virgo reclassifies the Archer’s delightful carefreeness as shocking sloppiness and irresponsibility, or before Sagittarius loses patience with picky Virgo’s incessant criticisms and vows to break free of their meddling control.

10) Libra and Capricorn

Why they fall in love:

Pragmatic Capricorn rarely falls in love without a sensible reason and in this case it’s the belief a people savvy partner like Libra will make up for their poor social skills and help them get on in the world. In turn, marriage minded Libra seeks a down to earth, committed long-term partner with more drive and ambition than themselves – and who better than the loyal and conscientious Goat.

What they end up hating about each other:

It’s the beginning of the end for these two when Libra starts complaining that work-focused Capricorn is too slave-driving, too parsimonious and too intent on denying their desire for an easy and pleasurable life. While hard-headed Capricorn rapidly loses interest if Libra spends too much time with their friends and not enough bringing in the money.

11) Scorpio and Aquarius

Why they fall in love:

Super-intense Scorpio marvels at Aquarius’s cool detachment which they hope will rub off a little on them and help to calm their raging emotions. On the other hand, the sheer power of Scorpio’s love feelings, and the strength of their commitment, come as a fascinating revelation to easy-come-easy-go Aquarius, who finds it so hard to fall madly and deeply in love.

What they end up hating about each other:

Once freedom-seeking Aquarius starts to feel trapped by the heavy demands of Scorpio’s all consuming love and in turn Scorpio realizes Aquarius’s passion will never be more than disappointingly luke-warm, this couple’s initial delight in each other’s differentness quickly turns to anger and disgust.

12) Sagittarius and Pisces

Why they fall in love:

Essentially these two fall in love with the idea that the other will turn them into a much nobler kind of person. Pisces loves upbeat Sagittarius for helping them to laugh their way out of their downbeat moods and stop feeling sorry for themselves. In turn, crusading Sagittarius learns a lot from the compassionate Fish’s willingness to make allowances for people, instead of moral judgments.

What they end up hating about each other:

If the Archer’s outspoken jokes are at their expense and cruelly wounding to their sensitive feelings, the laughter soon comes to a halt for Pisces, to be replaced by bitter disillusionment. Similarly, honest Sagittarius will develop contempt for Pisces’ open-heartedness when they see it manifesting as a lack of grip on reality and the inability to recognize and speak the truth.


Written In The Stars Report